Saturday, January 8, 2011


The beginnings of this blog are scary. We want to present thoughts that will be encouraging, challenging, and provoking.
My, (Beth), first intention of beginning this blog was to share about our forthcoming mission trip to Kenya. But then I realized Dave has so much to share that would be of interest to others.

In June 2007 I traveled with our younger daughter, Kemble with a mission team from Into Abba's Arms Foundation, (IAA),  to the foundation's orphange in Kenya. After several days of being  there we ministered in the Kisumu region among small rural church families. The outcome of that trip has taken various forms:
  1. A better understanding of Simon who we sponsor at IAA.
  2. A challenge to think through the discipling process of nonreaders.
  3. A role of support for the workings of the foundation, beyond finances.
I desired to return to IAA, but was waiting on God's timing. In August 2010, our congregation at River Cities Community Church began to delve into David Platt's book, Radical. At the same time I was leading our Friday Ladies Bible Study gang through Henry Blackaby's revised version of Experiencing God. Then I thought for "fun" or "lighter reading" I would venture into Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret.

What did I get myself into?

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