Sunday, March 20, 2011

Answering the Call

Meet my friend Sandy Carroll. Actually I should have met her over two decades ago when Dave was in a prayer/study partnership with her husband Mike. I missed many years of fun by not spending time with her earlier in my life. Here is her story about joining the Mission:Kenya.

For many years, I have been involved in mission in one way or another.Mike and I have welcomed missionary students into our home, worked on mission projects and offered support whenever needed.  We love hearing all about how God is working in their lives and the lives of people they reach.  I have always wanted to do a short term missions trip on foreign land, but the timing never seemed right.
In February 2010I read a wonderful book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. In June, my church family was challenged to read "Radical" by David Platt.  The more I read and studied God's word, I knew that someday I would go and share the gospel with others in a foreign country.  After finishing my Radical study, Beth Calvert mentioned going to Kenya to minister to orphans at Into Abba's Arms.  I knew this was where God wanted me to go.
Col. 1.6 declares,  "This same Good News that came to you is going out all over ther world.  It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God's wonderful grace."
Please remember to pray for our team as we deliver the Good News in Kenya.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for River Cities Missions Conference 3/20-23. We will be raising money for the mission project which includes materials for the Mission:Kenya Vacation Bible School; curriculum needs for the Children's Chapel on Sunday mornings which reach out to the community; materials for Saturday Bible studies for Into Abba's Arms children.

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