Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Thrill of Monday!

On SUNDAY, Aug. 14th, as a mission team, we had our first introduction to the community children. These were the same ones who had been invited to our VBS beginning the next day. The crowd was a nice size; sweet in nature; they participated with both enthusiasm and the restrained Kenyan style. They were encouraged to bring their friends the next day to the community’s first VBS. With this I surmised our VBS would be quiet and sweet with some influence on these precious kids.

IAA older children presenting Scripture and a song

MONDAY morning VBS was to begin at 10 am. There is western time keeping and then there is Kenyan time, which is more relaxed. But when Dave went to the chapel earlier on Monday morning, he noticed neighborhood children gathering by 8:30 am, and so it went all week.

I was unaware of who had arrived and at what time. I was very focused on what I was to present; would the projection system so well with the power point I had prepared; were all the worksheets in place; were pencils and crayons ready to be distributed? As I was attempting to settle myself down, I realized there were children on the other side of the chapel’s east door. I opened the door to see the morning sun glistening on the dew covered grass. Kids were everywhere. It hit me…God had given us a plan; He enabled us to work it; He was going to complete it for His glory this week. I was overwhelmed by His grace to involve us in the sharing of His Gospel and tips on how to grow in Christ. I wiped away the tears and moved to the next step of preparation.

As the children began pouring in we gave everyone a nametag to wear, and took their picture for part of the morning’s worksheet to personalize for whom Christ died.

And then the music began! Kenyan style got the house rocking! RC3 style with motions kept the children moving and involved.

From there we moved into the lesson. I was delighted with the intensity with which the students participated. The concept of the Wheel was introduced and then we moved onto explaining salvation.

Of course they had to break for tea and biscuits which was followed by fun activities and then came lunch! Kids hung around to play through the afternoon.
Us Americans tried to nap as we were still internally changing time zones

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