Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Your prayers are bearing fruit!!!!

The thrill of being greeted by 125 community children on Monday and 175 on Tuesday was overwhelming. The Spirit of God moved as Christine, Into Abba’s Arms site manager, translated for us. Her fantastic rapport with children kept the morning moving with marvelous interaction between her and the youngins’. Feeding all of them tea and bread, and then later rice and beans helped us feel like we were doing something to counteract the horrible poverty.
Ministry has been taking other forms :
1.      Each day is giving us more opportunities to interact with the Into Abba’s Arms family of kids. Some deeper conversations have been taking place between our team and the teenagers. Please pray for us as we try to set up an evening with just them.
2.      Also pray we will have common sense when playing sports. Tom McGahan is limping with a torn muscle.
3.      Opportunities to do direct service work have been prolific. Ask Kristina how two adults can change the diapers of 10 toddlers within 10 minutes. The system is wonderful.
4.      Dave and I will join Simon, our sponsored teenager, and we will buy school items for 10 boarding students. We will shop at the “super market”. Today Simon taught Dave and Tom how the Kenyans wash clothes. I hope they dry before we need them.
I am glad to have ALL my luggage.
Pictures will come when I am not on Kenyan satellite internet. 
Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. So great to hear how God is working!! Can't wait to hear & see pictures when you return! Praying!
